The Problem
Our drinking water is no longer clean.
It's under constant threat by microplastics, PFAs (“forever chemicals”), heavy metals, and a multitude of other contaminants.
Now more than ever we need to take water back to its essential elements.
An all-in-one system that caters to your needs.

An intelligent system with your lifestyle in mind.
Remove the bad and keep the good.
Every drop, tailored to you.
The perfect blend of engineering and aesthetics.
Blends seamlessly into your daily routine.
We were founded on a desire to change every aspect of hydration.
We were founded on a desire to change every aspect of hydration.

Peter Falt
The term “design” gets thrown around a lot. Making design core to company functions and achieving premium positioning with resulting market success has been well demonstrated by Apple, BMW and others who centralize this ethos. For me, design has always meant one thing – applying creativity to deliver measurable impact.
A designer has the responsibility to always improve the triple bottom line, to not just focus on profitability but to consider environmental and social impact. I learned this early from Victor Papanek, who imbued me with a deep commitment to using design as a change agent - to creating realities that remove suffering and systemically change how the world works on a fundamental level. Others built on this mentoring;
Kirby McCullough taught me what it means to become partner in an agency and that design is big business; Prem Rawat showed me the phenomena of the ocean being in the drop.
For 20 years at Designworks I applied this knowledge and led amazing talent for global projects with top brands. As a consultant you try to influence which future is best for all stakeholders, but in the end are always left subject to budgets, business models or other decisions.
Hence, lilli was conceived as a design-centric brand whose products seamlessly weave their way into one’s life and create positive, measurable change. We believe our first offering will begin shaping the future of hydration.
Special thanks to my co-founders for the shared vision. Design every drop!